AKC Law assists with Clear Creek Energy Center, Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP assists in Tenaska’s Development of a New Wind Project, Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP | Attorneys at Law

By Randall Hanson

Clear Creek Energy Center, a 242-megawatt (MW) wind project, is currently under construction north of Maryville in Nodaway County, Missouri. Tenaska closed approximately $302 million in commercial financing for the project in April 2019.

The energy group at AKC Law assisted in the preparation and negotiation of agreements for the purchase of 111 wind turbines from Vestas, an industry-leading global manufacturer of wind turbines, and agreements for the installation of the turbines and construction of the balance of plant by premier builder M. A. Mortenson Company. Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman also assisted Tenaska in the financing of the project.

For over 25 years, Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman has represented Tenaska in the development of power projects, including over 8,000 MW of natural gas-fueled power projects, 280 MW of utility-scale solar power projects and now in the development of wind-powered projects like the Tenaska Clear Creek Energy Center.

The AKC Law Energy Group consists of attorneys John W. Herdzina, Randall C. Hanson, Thomas J. Malicki, Kathryn A. Glissman, and Peter M. Langdon